Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Intro to Mazdoori !!!!!

Mazdoor, in Hindi means laborer, yeah the one who does hard physical work. Mundane work which barely requires the efforts of the Grey matter. Would any job that is being done with least help of the Grey matter classify to be Mazdoori, Would jobs get classified as highly skilled cause the person is getting highly paid, cause he wears branded clothes and speaks awesome English, you may beg to differ with me as I myself beg to differ, but then differences of opinion are always there.

Mazdoori, technically speaking is a more of a journey through different sectors of the IT industry, places, people, the crowd, managers (different kinds of them), the blog is somewhere you could get a birds eye view of what working in the Industry is like. Mazdoori, the term is not to under mean the industry, not to hurt the big fry's just an effort to say that it's hard work at times, no work mostly (That's again hard being in the line of fire),Mazdoori the term signifies the fact that, the Industry is not purely about the so called geeks, but mostly filled with middle class kids slogging hard for their paychecks doing mundane Excel and power point work, Mazdoori would more relate to the support staff, in reality the Janitors or dishwashers of the Industry, testers who would start as tester, move on to a junior tester, then to a Superman tester and what not.

With all due respect to the money, the exposure and opportunities provided, the blog would take you all through a fun filled journey and if you are looking forward to a career in the Industry this would act as your reference point. Be it BPO, IT, Tech Support, Back-end support or Development, I had the luck by chance to be with all of them, to understand their psyche, their frustrations and aspirations, what keeps them going and where they hit a wall, so seat belts on the joy ride begins here !!!!

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